
Analteredchordisachordthatreplacesoneormorenotesfromthediatonicscalewithaneighboringpitchfromthechromaticscale.,2019年2月17日—很多時候在學習爵士樂理時,學習者常會直接先背誦,譬如可以在屬七和絃時運用AlteredScale等,問題在於所謂的altered音其實有b9、#9、#11、b13四個音( ...,2023年11月23日—First,let'sthinkabouttheunalteredchord:C7.Doyourememberhowitiscomposed?C7.Root-3-5-b7.C-E-G-Bb.Now, ...,Howto...

Altered chord

An altered chord is a chord that replaces one or more notes from the diatonic scale with a neighboring pitch from the chromatic scale.


2019年2月17日 — 很多時候在學習爵士樂理時,學習者常會直接先背誦,譬如可以在屬七和絃時運用Altered Scale等,問題在於所謂的altered音其實有b9、#9、#11、b13四個音( ...

Breaking Down the Altered Chords

2023年11月23日 — First, let's think about the unaltered chord: C7. Do you remember how it is composed? C7. Root - 3 - 5 - b7. C - E - G - Bb. Now, ...

C altered Chord

How to play a C altered chord on piano and guitar? What notes and intervals are in C altered? Find out how and search through 1000s of chords.

C altered piano chord

The C altered chord is a 4-note chord consisting of the notes C, E, Bb and Db. You can see these notes highlighted in the interactive piano chart below. The ...

C sharp altered piano chord

The C sharp altered chord is a 4-note chord consisting of the notes C#, E#, B and D. You can see these notes highlighted in the interactive piano chart below.

Harmony & Theory Lesson15 Altered Chord與Altered Scale

用簡單來說就是類似2 5 1的進行 但是在現在的Jazz樂理中,所謂的Tension Notes是指. b9、#9、b5、#5這四個音. 只要出現這四個音的和弦,. 都可以稱之為Altered Chord( ...


2010年6月28日 — 有些眼尖的朋友注意到影片中,有一種聽起來很特殊的和絃,它叫作Altered chord(變音和絃),也就是X7alt (國中數學中X是代數,而在音樂裡X可指A、A#、.

What is an alt chord?

2021年2月24日 — Alt Chords (like C7alt) are dominant chords with BOTH an altered 5 and 9, and no unaltered 5 or 9. Some people include ones that don't include 9 ...

什麼是Altered Scale?

2024年1月17日 — 將所有可能的變化音整合到同一個八度中,你會得到 C Db D# E Gb G# Bb C ,這就是Altered Scale。 C 的Altered Scale. 有一點要注意 ...